High Brix Garden Program
3 Parts
The Choice Is Yours
The High Brix Garden program is really a 3-part program:
- First a soil test is taken to determine a starting point for a soil remineralization program.
- Secondly, on the basis of the soil test, a mixture of soil amendments, fertilizers, and microbial inoculants is custom formulated for your specific soil.
- Lastly nutrient drenches and foliar sprays are used in order to increase the mineral density of produce and keep the soil high in available nutrients.
The second part of the program is the nutritional foundation of your soil’s health. Without it the foliar sprays and nutrient drenches are considerably less effective and the ability to achieve high brix is seriously limited. For this reason the annual broadcast of nutrients is considered a critically important component in the High Brix Garden program.
International Ag Labs offers gardeners several options for obtaining high mineral density produce from their own gardens.
For mineralized, organic, micro-gardens please see www.mineralizedgardens.com.
The piecemeal program is considerably cheaper to start than the Cadillac program. In this program each basic component in the High Brix Garden program has its own cost as follows.
Step One: S-1 and S-2 This combination is the basic soil test for gardens. This part costs $72.
Step Two: The custom blend of nutrients. This entails a $40 mixing charge plus $0.35 / lb. of mixed product. Shipping is added to cost of nutrient blend.
Step Three: Foliar Sprays and Nutrient Drenches can be purchased as needed. Prices according to labeled prices with shipping added according to the weight.
This is just our soil testing services with no other services. They include:
S-3 This soil test is our standard test with no fertility recommendations: $25
S-2 This test measures microbial activity and computes the Soil Index: $22
S-4 This test is an optional test for Boron: $10
S-5 This is a standard Base Saturation/C.E.C. soil test: $15
For a detailed look at why the broadcast of nutrients is so vital to you soil's health see Soil Remineralization.