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Growing a Garden
for Optimal Nutrition!

By Jon Frank

Join us for a free 30-day email mini course!

For those of you who garden and are interested in improving the quality of your food, this 30-day email mini course on Gardening for Nutrition is for you!

We will take a look at all aspects of Growing a Garden for Optimum Nutrition.


Gardening for Optimal Nutrition

Each day we cover one important topic starting with the most important question: Why?

Gardening For Nutrition

We will also look very closely at food quality and actually define nutrient dense food in a way that squares with reality--not political correctness.


Last, but not least, we will have a few hard hat sessions and demolish several false assumptions that masquerade as truth.

Gardening for Nutrition


Sign Up Now

Fill out and submit the form below to join our 30-day teaching sequence on Growing a Garden for Optimum Nutrition!

Testimonies of people who took the course

I’m dreading tomorrow. It will be my 30th e-mail, and I don’t know what I’ll do to continue learning from you after that. I have enjoyed your e-mails, and have gradually incorporated them into my thinking. The format has been perfect for me; bite-size pieces that I can fit into my schedule, but chock-full of knowledge, experience, and wisdom. Would you happen to have a “365 e-mails” program available? --Gary Richards
Love reading your emails Jon. Thanks for this, they are amazing. A big fan of yours and a huge lover of soil. --Paul Adelson
Thank you for another informative and wonderful series. I've looked forward to the delivery of each message. And have studied them and the linked information intently. Again, thank you so much. --Don Miller
I enjoyed every day's message and you saved the best and most truthful one for the last. It reminds me of Dan. TKS a bunch! --Russ Willenbring
The lessons are excellent, and the information is priceless. --SS (New York)
I want to thank you for this most absorbing 30-email course, presented in such a caring friendly way. --Laurie Pretorius


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Audio Downloads

DownloadsDownloads are available of mp3 recordings & transcripts of past teleseminars. We'll be adding new downloads on a regular basis.

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