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Is Your Garden Running Out Of Energy?

Is your garden running out of energy?Summer is flying by and I wonder if we will have an early fall this year. In southern Minnesota we have night temperatures in the mid to upper 50's. This year we had 8 brix green beans with great flavor. I need to check our zucchini since they feel heavy.


As we go through summer I want to remind you to keep soil energy up. When energy (soil conductivity) drops, plants are not as productive and there is less produce to harvest.

How do we supply energy to plants? By applying nutrient drenches containing minerals and carbohydrates to the roots of plants. Simply mix 1 oz. of the recommended nutrient drench per gallon of water along with ½ teaspoon of Z-Hume to supply bacteria. Then water your plants with this solution.

Which nutrient drench is best for you? That depends on your specific soil. The best way to determine this is to get a soil test with IAL and follow the suggested program. If you haven’t done that I would recommend using Perk-Up one month and OND the next and keep alternating. By applying nutrient drenches every month you will keep energy better supplied to the soil and should see very productive plants.

Foliar Sprays

An additional method to supply nutrients to your garden plants is to use foliar sprays that feed plants through the leaves. The nice thing about foliar sprays is how such a small amount of soluble nutrients can have such a disproportionate affect. Foliar sprays are very powerful in their ability to influence crop response. In other words a properly made foliar spray can push a plant toward growth or toward reproduction.

A foliar spray that enhances growth energy will cause the plant to produce more stems, stalks, and leaves. On the other hand a reproductive nutritional spray will promote the formation of blossoms, flowers, and seeded fruit. For leafy and root crops use Qualify, for reproductive crops and carrots use BrixBlaster.

The High Brix Garden Program also uses a broad-spectrum trace mineral spray to further enhance nutrient density. This spray, Enthuse, also contains amino acids and liquid sea plant extracts to help plants cope with stress. Our last foliar spray, ShowTime, is an oil spray containing a blend of neem, fish, and orange oils along with an emulsifier. It is used to enhance the leaf’s ability to capture solar energy and repel insects.

The benefits of using foliar sprays include:

  • Increased Productivity–less food to buy
  • Improved Nutrient Density–we need all the nutrition we can get
  • Higher Levels of Trace Minerals–our organs and immune system really need these
  • Healthier Plants–who wants bugs anyway?

What if you haven’t done a soil test or broadcast of minerals. What can you do now? No problem. Just contact one of our dealers to get started right now with drenches and foliar sprays. Here is their contact information:

Soil Testing

As much as I don’t like to see it fall is just around the corner. This is the best time to start a high brix garden. Soil testing in the fall gives you time to work the soil, get all your inputs lined up, and not be rushed during spring planting. If you already tested your soil earlier this spring I would suggest another soil test this fall with a broadcast then test annually every fall.

Ready to Start?

Why Should You Consider a High Brix Garden?

  • Great Tasting Produce
  • Food You Can Trust
  • Improved Health and Nutrition

With respect,

Jon Frank
Founder, High Brix Gardens

What do you think?

Send us feedback!

Helen Greene:

Yes, I apply nutrient drenches that contains minerals and carbohydrates to the roots of plants. I don't know which nutrient drench is best for my soil. I will do a soil test soon.


Dealers for High Brix GardensIf you're interested in purchasing High Brix Gardens products, please contact one of our dealers nearest you and order directly.

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