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Grow Your Own Nutrition

highbrix-gardens-grow-nutritionHigh Brix Gardens is all about helping you improve your health by growing the highest quality produce.

What is the difference between health and disease? What is the fundamental cause of disease? What is true health and how do foods fit into this matrix? The answer to these and many other perplexing problems can be summed up in one word: energy. It is energy that determines the degree of health or disease. It is the lack of energy that causes disease while the right kind of energy causes us to be healthy. Food is an energy package that can push us toward health or away from it. Energy is associated with the minerals in foods. Thus the higher the mineral density in foods, the higher the energy available to the body. This balance of energy can be termed nutrition. Sickness and disease are the result of a nutritional deficiency—not a drug deficiency.

Mathematics 101 of Health and Disease

Disease/Sickness/Illness + Medications does not equal Health

What is Disease/Sickness/Illness?

Disease/Sickness/Illness = Biology ÷ Nutritional Imbalance

What is Health?

Health = Biology ÷ Nutritional Balance

If we begin with low energy, which is nutritional imbalance, how do we progress toward true health? By adding nutritional balance in the form of high-energy foods.

Sickness + High Energy Foods + (Time ÷ Consistency) -> Increasing Energy = Increased Health

[You + (Your Garden ÷ Work) + (Proper Inputs ÷ Knowledge) = High Energy Foods By The Grace of God

Your Family + High Energy Foods + Time = Increasing Health

Increasing Health > Increasing Medications

There you have it—mathematical equations of health and disease and the mathematical progression from sickness toward health. Am I a genius or what?

Maintaining Health

Maintaining HealthLeaving all humor aside lets take a hard look at something very important to all of us—our health. As time marches on many of us find our struggle to maintain health harder and harder. Some of us have already lost the battle and have had to concede defeat. Now what? Is there any hope for improvement? Absolutely! But first lets look at the cause.

In this day and age most of our soils aren’t what they should be nor even what they used to be. In many soils we see a faltering microbial balance, poor carbon cycling, and deficiencies in plant-available calcium, phosphorous, and trace minerals. As a result of such poor soils our food quality is equally poor. Poor quality food cannot sustain a high degree of health even though the choice of food types may be excellent. Most people consider eating a carrot a healthy thing to do. If that carrot, however, is poor quality at say 3 brix it does not confer the expected health benefit that it would if it was 18 brix.

In summary modern agriculture is producing a tremendous amount of low-quality produce. Good quality produce in typical supermarkets is hard to find and excellent quality is a rare find indeed. As a result of this we find a large portion of our population struggling with chronic health problems.

Lets take a practical example. A diet deficient in iodine can lead to an undersupply of the body’s production of thyroxin. Medical science calls this (sub clinical) hypothyroidism. This condition is very common in the iodine deficient soils of the upper Midwest. Medical science typically “fixes” this with a prescription to synthetically produced thyroxin. This many times becomes a prescription for life. The root cause is completely ignored. The alternative response is to use neutriceuticals, supplements, homeopathics, and glandulars such as T-100. This approach incorporates minerals designed to support the body’s production of thyroxin. This is certainly a more holistic approach yet still falls short. It is still a band-aid on the cause.

"Let food be your medicine."


The foundational response is a diet incorporating a wide variety of high brix foods. It would also include fertilizing the garden soil with products rich in iodine such as kelp meal and liquid fish from an ocean source. This type of soil produces forages with a higher iodine content. When fed to dairy animals the milk produced will contain significantly enhanced levels of iodine. In years gone by the measurement of iodine in milk was a quality indicator of how much minerals the milk contained. The consumption of iodine-rich foods has been shown to increase the body’s natural production of thyroxin. Another foundational response would be to eliminate fluoride from the diet, which has been found to interrupt the proper functioning of iodine in the body.

The bottom line of our High Brix Gardens website is simply this: You can grow your own nutrition and thereby improve your health.

For a detailed look at the concept of brix CLICK HERE


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